Thursday, 25 April 2024

Stakeholders’ Perception on Auditors’ Role and Its Impact on Audit Expectation Gap: Special Reference to Licensed Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka


Purpose: This study was conducted to understand the stakeholder perception on auditors’ role and its impact on audit expectation gap.

Design/Methodology/Approach: A sample of 457 shareholders, employees, customers, and auditors from different licensed commercial banks were selected for the study using the convenience sampling method. Information collected through questionnaires was analyzed using descriptive analysis and Mann Whitney U test. 

Findings: The study revealed an audit expectation gap between auditors and the shareholders; the auditors and customers; and auditors and employees in the areas of audit responsibility, the usefulness of audited financial statements, audit education, and providing non-assurance services. However, this gap was not significant with regard to audit reliability among auditors and employees.

Practical Implication: The main reason behind this gap is the lack of proper education and understanding of the audit standards and audit practices. This gap can be reduced by giving adequate knowledge and awareness of audits to the stakeholders and the users of financial statements in general.

Limitations: The study considered the stakeholders of licensed commercial banks in Sri Lanka, whereas there are so many other financial institutions registered under the Central bank of Sri Lanka.

Audit expectation Gap, Stakeholders, Audit Education, Stewardship, Agency Relationship, Sri Lanka



Cite this article
Prawanth S. and Perera K.H. (2022). Stakeholders’ Perception on Auditors’ Role and Its Impact on Audit Expectation Gap: Special Reference to Licensed Commercial Banks in Sri Lanka, South Asian Journal of Finance, 2(1), 68–82.