
Journal of Multidisciplinary and Translational Research


About the Journal

The Journal of Multidisciplinary and Translational Research (JMTR) is an open-access, peer-reviewed journal that is published online biannually by the Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka. To expand the readership, starting with volume VIII issue I (2024), JMTR will only publish articles in English. The Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka covers the cost of publication on behalf of the authors on acceptance of their article.

Why should you publish your article in JMTR?

All articles deemed technically sound will be published in JMTR after an extensive peer-review process.

Too frequently, a journal's preference to publish a paper is based on the editor(s) perception of what is interesting and attract more readers - both of which are arbitrary measures that cause delays in publishing your findings. At JMTR, we believe that the readership, who are best suited to judge what interests them, will determine the significance of the study after reviewing the article once it has been published,..

It is more difficult for readers from different fields to read and comprehend the papers published in most conventional journals since they come from narrowly defined topic areas. Since the Journal of Multidisciplinary and Translational Research is not limited to a narrowly defined area of study, findings that cover a wide range of disciplines including multidisciplinary studies can be disseminated to wider community.

We invite writers from around the world to share their thoughts. Every article is solely the writer's opinion and does not contain any opinion from the JMTR's editorial board. The principle of JMTR is "open to any ideas (open to all thoughts)".

I was always somebody who felt quite sorry for myself, what I had not got compared to my friends, how much of a struggle my life seemed to be compared to others.

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