Volume 32
The Journal of the Faculty of Humanities (JHU) is published by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Kelaniya. The JHU is a peer-reviewed open-access journal. It is a platform to publish articles of exceptionally high quality in the field of humanities.
Aim and Scope
The Journal of the Faculty of Humanities (JHU) is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that is published bi-annually. It is published by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Kelaniya. It provides an ideal platform for researchers in the field of humanities to publish their contributions and disseminate new findings in the discipline. The focus of the journal is on humanities research.
The JHU publishes original papers, review papers, conceptual framework, empirical research, and book reviews.
The journal is published in both print and online versions.
The journal is published in two languages: Sinhala and English
Humanities beyond boundaries
To enhance and disseminate knowledge in the field of humanities
To publish research, views, reviews in the field of humanities
Publication frequency
The journal is published bi-annually (two issues per year)
Open Access Policy
The journal provides open access to its content. The journal is free for readers.
The Journal of the Faculty of Humanities is sponsored by the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Kelaniya
ISSN: 1391-5096
Online ISSN: 2783 - 8951

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සප්ත මාතෘ දේව වන්දනය
Jayathunga, Mangalika
The Significant Moral Values of Proverbs In Sanskrit Allegories
Gnanasena Thero, Walapane
Indrajothi Thero, Baladora
The Influence of Harps on Veena engravings in Pitalkora Buddhist Cave Temple
Kumara, J. Chandana Ruwan
භාෂා පරිවර්යතනය පිලිබඳ ඇලෙක්සැන්ඩර් ෆාසර් ටය්ට්ලර් සංකල්පය
De Silva, Jayamal
පැරණි ලක්දිව ආගමික පසුබිම පිළිබඳ සද්ධර්මාලංකාරය ආශ්රිත අධ්යයනය
Madusanka, H. A. Gihan
Pavithrani, Chintha
ලාංකේය සම්ප්රදායික අවාචික සන්නිවේදන රටාවල වෙසෙසියාව
Ihalagama, Swarna
කතෝලික හා ක්රිස්තියානි ආගමික ග්රන්ථකරුවන් ආගම ප්රචාරණයෙහිලා සිංහල කටවහර භාවිතයට ගත් ආකාරය
Pushpakumara, Neel